Meet Dr. Linton
Dr. Andrew Linton and our talented team members are dedicated to making you comfortable before, during, and after your dental appointment. When you arrive, we'll be prepared for you, and our front office associate will greet you by name.
The most important factor in your rewarding experience is open, honest communication. If you have questions or concerns at any point, don't hesitate to mention them. We're here to answer your questions and put your mind at ease.
Dr. Andrew Linton is a member of the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), an organization of general dentists who are dedicated to professional development and continuing education. All AGD members must remain current with advances in the profession to provide quality patient treatment. Dr. Linton earned his Fellowship in the AGD in 2009. As a "Fellow" in the Academy of General Dentistry (FAGD) he has been recognized by other general dentists as a leader and an example to other dentists of the importance of quality continuing dental education to patient care. Dr. Andrew Linton became a Master in the AGD in 2016, completing more than 1100 hours of continuing education.
Dear Patients and Friends,
I hope you get a chance to come and visit our office. We emphasize patient comfort and making your visit positive. We offer Zoom Tooth Whitening, fillings where we don’t drill so we don’t need shots, computer processed low radiation x-rays that are faster and easier, and Itero 3d imaging to create Invisalign appliances and precision fitted crowns and bridges. We keep up with technologies such as these to make you smile.
My family is from Texas and I have also lived in North Carolina, Sapelo Island Georgia and Australia.. I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin. While there I worked in the Deans office as an advisor, for the Texas School for the Deaf at St. Ignatius church and as an RA at Moore-Hill Dormitory. I have worked on various scientific research on many projects; Pheromones, Multiple Sclerosis, Marine Biology, Plant pigments and Steroids. Working on these projects with the Scientists in charge helped me learn how to read and evaluate the kind of reports generated about new dental materials and techniques which helps me compare what I am doing currently and whether there is a better technique or material available. Constant evaluation and training is what makes anyone the best in their line of work. I have taken 1100 hours of continuing dental education since graduating from the UT Dental Branch at Houston. I like keeping up with my profession because every new thing I learn can help make individual patients’ dental experience better. I like it when patients tell me, “That was great” or that their new smile helps them look as good as they feel. I love little kids who get excited about their next trip to the dentist! We are here to help you and make sure that our care aligns with your goals.
Andrew Linton, DDS